After covid interrupted Demi & Dave’s wedding plans not once but twice, they had a brilliant idea to get married on the Pacific Eagle superyacht in the Hauraki Gulf instead, and what a wedding that was!
They started off with a fun game of Bingo to get their guests all acquainted with one another (love it), while delicious canapes were being served.
Demi then serenaded Dave with a beautiful and heartwarming song she wrote.
When came time for the ceremony, the yacht anchored at Motuihi Island for Demi & Dave to exchange their vows with one another and we used the anchored time to take the bridal portraits.
Following the ceremony, we journeyed back to the Auckland Viaduct where the dessert was served, the drinks were flowing and the party began!
They tied the knot just in time as later that night there was a sudden announcement that Auckland was going into lockdown at midnight...
It was such a privilege to be able to capture this stunner of a wedding and it was certainly one that we will remember forever!